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Why Use A Solar Company To Install Your Solar Power In Hervey Bay?

Why Solar Company Install Solar Power Hervey Bay

Are you transitioning to solar power? And are you thinking about handling the installation yourself? Many homeowners in Hervey Bay believe it will be much more affordable to use the DIY approach. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it seems. For people with experience and knowledge, it looks like a very simple task to place and install solar equipment. In reality, there are several challenges waiting. 

Why should you use a solar company in Hervey Bay to install your solar power? Just because you have the option of doing it yourself does not mean you should take it. And here are some good examples of why you should think carefully before making a final decision. 

1. Personal Safety 

One of the most important reasons you should not install solar power yourself is based on safety. Climbing on your roof can be a very dangerous job, especially if you have not done it before. It may seem easy when the professionals do it. However, they are well trained and prepared for this kind of work. Hence the reason to hire an expert. If for nothing else, then do it for the sake of your own safety. And if you are afraid of heights, you should definitely let an experienced solar power installer handle it.  

2. Proper Roof Assessment 

Before you can install anything on your roof, you need to check the structural integrity of the roof. Not all roofs have the same design or consist of the same material, which means different measures are necessary when installing a solar array. When you skip the step of assessing the roof, there could be horrible consequences. However, when you hire professionals, one of the first things they do is check whether the roof can handle the number of panels you want to install. 

Why Solar Company Install Solar Power Hervey Bay

3. Get The Most Out Of Your Solar Equipment 

So many things can go wrong when an inexperienced person installs solar. Any mistakes you make can shorten the time you get to use solar power, particularly if the panels are not facing the sun correctly. Considering how much you will be saving on your electrical bill and what you pay for the solar equipment, it is always a better idea to give this job over to professionals. Not only do they know how everything should be connected, but they also make sure your array performs at its best. In other words, you will get the most out of every panel, inverter, and battery. 

4. Maintain The Warranty On Your Solar Power System 

Depending on where you buy the solar equipment for your house, the warranty can insist on using professionals for the installation. Otherwise, you risk losing your warranty. Is this really a risk you want to take? Or would you prefer spending your time with family and friends while enjoying the new luxuries offered by solar? Keep the warranty of the equipment intact by hiring a professional installer.  

5. Avoid The Risk Of Damage To Your Roof 

It is one thing to accidentally damage solar equipment during the installation. However, have you thought about the damage you can do to your roof? Solar panels have to be properly fixed in order to stay in place, which requires intense work on the roof itself. Are you skilled enough and do you have the right equipment? If you cannot confidently answer yes, leave it to the experts. 

Final Thoughts

You are not alone in thinking that DIY solar power installation could be the cheaper option. The truth is you can end up spending more when you are not sure about what you are doing. So, do the smart thing. Stay safe, keep your warranties intact, and get the most out of the array you purchase by letting professionals do the solar power installation for you.

Please contact us today at GCR Electrical Systems on (07) 4120 7004 if you have any questions about solar installation in Hervey Bay, or leave an enquiry if you would like more information about our solar installation services.

Do Solar Companies In Hervey Bay Need To Be Licensed?

Do Solar Companies Hervey Bay Need License

Solar companies are popping up all over Queensland, but not all of them are licensed and insured. You’re probably thinking that this is no big deal because you don’t need a permit to hang some solar panels on your roof. 

However, did you know that some states and localities require licenses for people who install residential solar systems? If they don’t have those licenses, then what’s stopping them from using substandard materials or cutting corners with their installation?

Here at GCR Electrical Services, we’ve got the experience and licensing to make sure everything goes smoothly when it comes time to get your new system installed in Hervey Bay. 

Do Solar Companies Need To Be Licensed?

The short answer? Yes! Just like any other form of business needs permission or authorisation from some governing body before it can legally conduct its operations on a large level, so too does being an authorised solar company require getting approval first.

Solar companies need to have licenses because regulators want oversight. It is important for the government to make sure that solar panels are installed properly and in a way they can be easily checked on, if necessary. A license will help ensure quality installations with no harm done along the way!

Do Solar Companies Hervey Bay Need License.

What Happens If A Solar Company Is Not Licensed?

Under the Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act, solar companies must have a license in order to operate. This is an important measure because it will help minimise the chance of fraud or unqualified installers from installing panels that could be unsafe and potentially lead to other hazards such as fires. This act also helps conserve energy by ensuring qualified professionals are using high-quality equipment when making installations. 

For unlicensed solar companies, it might be illegal to sell any of their goods. What is more likely though is that the government would issue fines and penalties in order to keep up with safety regulations. It may also put at risk other companies who purchase those products from this unlicensed business as well!

If a solar company is not licensed, it can’t legally install any systems in the state. The installation of residential and commercial units that are regulated by agencies such as your local power grid would be highly illegal without authorisation from those organisations first. This could lead to costly fines if caught so it’s important for these companies to know their limits before installing anything.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Licensed Solar Company

Hiring a licensed solar company is the best option for people who are looking to harness renewable energy. These companies know exactly what they’re doing and will be able to provide you with all of your needs in one place, from installation through to design! Not only that but these professionals also have unlimited resources at their disposal so they can do anything that’s required by law if there happens to be an issue during or after installation.

Hiring a licensed company will also save you time and money in the long run because they know all of their hardware, installation methods, warranties, rebates and incentives. This essentially means no surprises when it comes to calculating costs for tax credits or expected savings on energy bills!

Solar power is the future of clean energy, and hiring a licensed solar company for your installation project can provide you with some major benefits. Whether it’s financial savings or just wanting to do what’s best for our planet, licensed solar companies have something that will work perfectly for your needs.

Do Solar Companies Hervey Bay Need License

How Can I Tell If A Solar Company Is Licensed Or Not 

There are many solar companies across Australia and it can be difficult to know which ones are licensed. There have been cases of people paying for expensive products only to find out that they’re not legally allowed to sell them in their area or even install them on your property! 

So, how do you tell if a company is legitimate? One of the easiest ways to find out if the solar company in question is licensed or not is by looking for a license number on their website. If you are unsure about any other information on this page, call them up!

Another good place to start would be by looking at reviews online because online feedback from customers will give some indication as well. Another way may also include checking with the local authorities. Ask whether there are any concerns about this business operating locally. 


Solar companies need to be licensed, which will make sure they are qualified and trustworthy professionals to install your solar system. This also means that you’ll get a warranty on your solar panels if anything goes wrong with them or if there’s an issue with installation. If you’re looking for more information about how licensing requirements work, we can help!

Please contact us today at GCR Electrical Systems on (07) 4120 7004 if you have any questions about solar installation in Hervey Bay, or leave an enquiry if you would like more information about our solar installation services.

Solar Panel Rebate: How It Works And How To Get It

Solar Panel Rebate How Works How Get It

Solar energy has become more and more popular in Australia, particularly in Hervey Bay. However, many people don’t know how it works or how to go about getting a rebate for their solar panels.

Let’s face it, most of us are busy with work and family life so we don’t have time to research this stuff on our own. It can be confusing trying to figure out what you need and how much money you could get back from the government if you install solar panels at home. However, don’t worry – we’ll explain everything here for you! 

In this article, we will walk through the steps involved in getting a solar rebate in Harvey Bay for installing solar panels on your property.

What Is A Solar Panel Rebate And How Does It Work?

A solar panel rebate is a process in which homeowners are reimbursed for the cost of installing their own rooftop panels. This type of incentive can be used to help offset some installation costs, but its primary purpose is to make it easier and more affordable for consumers who want access to renewable energy sources such as solar power on their property.

The Australian government offers a rebate for solar power systems. Consumers can save up to $1,500 in rebates through the Clean Energy Council by purchasing an energy-efficient home system or installing rooftop panels on their property. The program also helps reduce emissions and increases jobs within the cleantech industry!

The available rebates vary depending on the state, but they typically cover 30% – 50% off installation costs. They also help with any permit fees or inspection expenses that may be required in order to connect utilities like electricity service providers, gas companies and water suppliers.

It is important to note that the rebate may not cover all of your purchase. The best way to make sure you get a good deal while still getting some incentives for going green is to have an energy assessment done on your home by professionals who can tell how much it will cost and what improvements are needed in order to optimise usage!

Solar Panel Rebate How Works How Get It

What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Solar Rebate

There are a number of tangible benefits that come with obtaining your solar rebate. As the state and federal governments place more control over energy consumption, it’s important to make sure you’re getting in on all available incentives for renewable sources like this one! Let us walk through some of these significant benefits:

  • Can save money on electric bills. 
  • Helps promote environmental friendliness. 
  • Offsets the initial expense of solar panel installation.
  • Promotes cleaner air and water on your property
  • Can be expensive upfront but offers outstanding savings over time with reduced utility rates in addition to federal tax credits.

How To Get A Solar Rebate

Solar panel rebates are a way for your state government to help you offset the cost of going solar. In order to apply, there’s some paperwork involved and eligibility requirements that vary from place to place. The process varies depending on where in Australia you live but in Hervey Bay is generally straightforward enough: find out what policies apply at your location, fill out the forms required by those policies accordingly (typically online), then wait to see if your application is approved or not. It’s important to complete this process with each utility company before applying for any rebate program with which they may be associated – or, simply wait until next year as these programs often renew!

What Are The Qualifications For Getting A Solar Rebate 

The Australian government wants to incentivise its citizens by offering a rebate for purchases made for solar installation. Rebates will be given in proportion to expenditures, with those who spend more being eligible for a larger return on their money. Some specific qualifications to look out for include the following:

  • Must be an Australian citizen over 18 years of age with access and use of their property (e.g., own or lease).
  • Cannot have lost eligibility due to bankruptcy filing within 6 months before the application date. If insolvent at the time of application you can only claim rebates up until becoming eligible again.
  • Registered as self-employed with your local council and earn less than $400 per week from that employment.
  • Do not have any other sources of income or electricity supply.
  • Installation cannot interfere with neighbours’ access to light, air or recreational space from their dwelling unless there has been an agreement between all parties beforehand.

Qualifications may vary depending on your state, so make sure to do your research beforehand!

Solar Panel Rebate How Works How Get It

Other Benefits Of Installing Solar Panels

Solar panels put your home in control of energy consumption. They are a great addition to any home not just because of the solar rebate, but also how they work and what benefits you can get from them.

There are many reasons to install solar panels in your home, but here is a list of just three. Firstly, the sun produces clean energy that can be harnessed by these systems and used for your electrical needs; secondly, it creates independence from power companies which means you save money because they will not charge you with any fees or penalties in most cases; lastly, you can help towards improving air quality, so this lowers pollution levels too!

Solar energy is one of the most sought after renewable resources today. In a world where many people are beginning to understand the need for global sustainability and better stewardship, solar panels may be just what you’re looking for!


Solar panel rebates are a great way to help offset the cost of your solar panels. If you’re still wondering how they work or want more information on whether or not it’s worth applying for one, then feel free to reach out to us!

Please contact us today at GCR Electrical Systems on (07) 4120 7004 if you have any questions about solar rebates in Hervey Bay, or leave an enquiry if you would like more information about our solar installation services.

What Are Solar Company Accreditations?

What Are Solar Company Accreditations

Solar is a great way to help the environment and save money at the same time, but it can be hard to know which solar company to trust. Choosing an accredited solar installation company will give you peace of mind that your investment is in good hands. In this article, we’ll be talking all about solar company accreditations as we tackle the following questions:

  • What are solar company accreditations
  • Why are solar company accreditations important
  • The benefits of hiring an accredited solar company
  • How can you find out if a solar company is accredited or not 
  • What to expect during the installation process

What Are Solar Company Accreditations All About?

What is a solar company accreditation and why does it matter to customers? Solar companies are required by law to be accredited with an independent, third-party organisation that ensures they comply with the standards set forth for installation. This certification also helps potential homeowners understand which installers have undergone rigorous testing so their customer service complies with industry standards.

Solar power is just one of the many options for people looking to cut down on their electricity bills. Accreditation from a solar company usually involves ensuring that both your home and location are capable of taking advantage of this alternative energy source, as well as how much you can save with it versus other more traditional approaches such as coal or nuclear plants.

What Are Solar Company Accreditations

Why Are Solar Company Accreditations Important

Solar company accreditations are important for a few reasons. One is to ensure that they have the proper equipment and experience in order to install solar power systems that will work as expected. Another reason is safety issues. If any of a solar company’s products or installation methods were faulty, there would be serious consequences both on your property and the environment. 

With solar company accreditations, you can tell if the solar companies you’re considering hiring have undergone an external evaluation to ensure that the company’s products are not faulty. The evaluations also ensure that there is transparency in what a solar company says, which is important for consumers’ confidence. 

If you are looking for the best solar company in your area, then it is crucial that they have a few key accreditations. This ensures their quality and reliability as well as sticking to industry standards of high energy efficiency ratings. Some companies will include these when reviewing them on websites or even before inquiring about quotes from potential vendors!

The Benefits Of Hiring An Accredited Solar Company

The benefits of hiring an accredited solar company are numerous. For one, they can help you offset your carbon footprint and use some renewable energy for a change! They’re also good at making sure that all the work is done in accordance with the code to avoid any injuries or problems down the line.

If you are looking to acquire solar power for your house, the best way is by hiring a company that has been accredited. The benefits include the following:

  • Various financing options with competitive rates.
  • Custom-tailored solutions designed around exactly what you need. 
  • Easy installation process as well as cutting edge technology in order to make everything work seamlessly together.
  • Can help you identify any rebates or tax credits available in your area.
  • Workmanship guarantees complete safety from electrical fires as well as liability protection against faulty installations which may result in personal injury claims.
  • Can handle all permitting requirements.

How Can You Find Out If A Solar Company Is Accredited Or Not 

If you want to find out if a solar company is accredited or not, then it’s worth looking into this question before signing any contracts. This is especially important given that there are many options for accreditation, with different standards and qualifications that can help you choose what’s most appropriate for your energy needs. 

You might be wondering: how will I know if my preferred provider meets all these requirements? A quick internet search of their name could turn up some information on this. In general, it should look something like “XYZ Company Solar Accredited By ABC.” If there’s no indication on their website that an organisation has endorsed them, it may be best for you to seek other providers in your area.

What Are Solar Company Accreditations

What To Expect During The Installation Process Of An Accredited Solar Company

The installation process of an accredited solar company is a very exciting and rewarding time. A solar company that is accredited will go through a series of steps in order to install your system and get it ready for you. 

First, the installers will survey your property to determine whether or not it’s appropriate for installing photovoltaic panels (PV). If so, they’ll put together a proposal with pricing information that you can review before deciding on moving forward with them as your provider.

The process usually starts with an on-site assessment where the installation crew conducts an evaluation, measures how much power can be generated by the property’s available sunlight, tests soil conditions, checks equipment connections, and more while taking photos of everything they see so there are no surprises when they come back out later! 

After this comes site preparation which includes installing any necessary mounting structures or frames as well as marking areas for electrical conduit runs if needed. All panels are mounted onto a racking frame before beginning wiring up each panel.

The installation process will take a few days. You’ll need to find the appropriate space for your solar panels, so it can be planned out where they go when you’re ready.

Contact Us Today!

What exciting opportunities await us once we get started on this project? Let’s make sure everything is in order so our partnership with the accredited solar company goes smoothly from beginning to end.

If you’re looking for a trusted and accredited solar company that will help meet your needs and make the process as easy as possible, then speak to us so you can learn how you can get started on achieving energy independence today!

Please contact us today at GCR Electrical Systems on (07) 4120 7004 if you have any questions about solar installation in Hervey Bay, or leave an enquiry if you would like more information about our solar installation services.

How Do Solar Rebates Work In Queensland?

How Solar Rebates Work Queensland

The Australian government has a rebate scheme that helps homeowners and businesses to install solar panels. However, finding out how the rebates work can be hard, especially if you’re not an expert in this field. 

GCR Electrical will explain everything you need to know about the Queensland Government Solar Rebate Scheme. Whether you’re thinking of installing solar panels for your home or business, our article will give you all the information needed to make a fully informed decision.

What Is A Solar Rebate

A solar rebate is a cash grant that compensates you for the cost of installing solar panels. Solar rebates are usually offered by your municipality, an electric company or utility provider, and may be connected to government incentives like net metering credits. The amount depends on factors such as how much energy you use per month and which type of panel system you choose (fixed-tilt vs tracking).

Nowadays, solar power is more affordable than ever. Due to the increasing popularity of solar panels, some Australian states are offering rebates and grants for people who want to make their homes greener by installing them on their roofs. For example, in Queensland, there’s a rebate that can cover up to $2,500 worth of installation costs! This brings us to our next topic: how do solar rebates in Queensland work?

Solar Rebates In Queensland

If you’re looking for a new way to save on your energy bill, Queensland residents can now apply for solar rebates through the state’s government. The rebate program was introduced in response to soaring electricity prices and is designed as an incentive for homeowners who want access to clean renewable power but may not be able to afford it otherwise.

Queensland is gearing up for a solar-powered future. The Queensland Government announced its commitment to install PV panels into 1 million households as part of their 2020/2021 Regional Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP). As an incentive, they are introducing residential Solar Rebates which start at 25% off installation costs this year and go all the way down 50% per annum until 2023 when they become fully funded through savings made on electricity bills during overpay periods. It’s never been easier or cheaper to switch!

The state of Queensland has been fighting against climate change for decades now and these rebates will continue that mission. Whether you have never thought about going green or if this isn’t an issue near where you live, there is no reason not to take advantage of what’s offered in Queensland because it could save money on power bills down the line.

How Solar Rebates Work Queensland

How To Apply For A Solar Rebate 

To get a rebate for solar panels, there are two steps you’ll need to take. First off, be sure your home is eligible by checking the Queensland Solar Rebates website from time to time as eligibility requirements change periodically. 

If you do qualify, then it’s onto step 2: Apply! The application process is pretty straightforward and will only require 3 things: an email address where energy bills go out to, proof of residency such as a driver license number or utility bill with current name on it that covers at least one month beyond your expected date of installation and signature authorisation.

Who Qualifies For The Solar Rebate Program 

You may be eligible for the solar rebate program in Queensland Australia if you own or lease a home and live on your property. The process of qualification is pretty straightforward, but there are some eligibility requirements to meet first.

First of all, it’s important that you have access to an electricity supply point with power connected at least 16 hours per day (more than what would typically happen during daylight). You also need enough roof space at a minimum of 1 square meter per 100 watts’ worth of panels installed – to accommodate the new system. 

Finally, you can’t be already generating more energy from other sources such as photovoltaic cells set up elsewhere on your property; self-sufficient homes are ineligible for this incentive scheme.

These are just some qualifications, but you may need to check and research for other eligibility criteria.

How Solar Rebates Work Queensland

Additional Information About The Solar Rebates In Queensland

If you’re looking for a way to lower your electricity bills, then the solar rebates in Queensland deserve some consideration. This is an excellent time to make this choice because there are so many different programs and incentives available. The only caveat is that they expire at various times, so it’s important you don’t wait too long!

Queensland is also now offering huge rebates for those who buy approved renewable energy systems or equipment like heat pumps, hot water tanks, as well as air conditioning units with high-efficiency ratings in sunny climates.

There are various options for rebates in Queensland, so it’s important to recognise what these programs are and how long they run for!


Understanding how solar rebates work in Queensland is the first step to saving money. If you’re considering installing a new system, reach out to us for information on what rebates are available and how they can help reduce your electricity bill!

Please contact us today at GCR Electrical Systems on (07) 4120 7004 if you have any questions about solar rebates in Hervey Bay, or leave an enquiry if you would like more information about our solar installation services.