Top Tips To Reduce Your Electricity Bill This Summer
Is your electricity bill increasing and are you looking for a way to reduce it? What are the best ways to do this? Reducing your electricity bill is probably easier than you think. Read on for top tips to reduce your electricity bill this summer.
1). Use Energy Efficient Lighting
Believe it or not, lightbulbs can greatly increase electricity bills. The biggest culprits are halogen and old incandescent bulbs. It’s possible to reduce your electricity bills by installing energy-efficient bulbs.
Energy-efficient bulbs don’t use that much electricity. However, they do cost a bit more than non-energy efficient bulbs. Nonetheless, they’re worth buying because of the immediate potential savings.
Another tip is to not use lighting until it’s absolutely necessary. With summer right around the corner, the days will become longer. There is no need to leave lights on throughout the day. If possible, open curtains and drapes to let sunlight into the rooms you want lit.
2). Use Cold Water To Wash Clothes And Hang Clothes To Dry
Warm or hot water does an incredible job of washing clothes. However, using hot water isn’t always necessary. In fact, it’s worth pointing out that hot water is one of the main reasons electricity bills are high. If possible, start washing clothes with cold water instead of hot or warm water.
Speaking of washing clothes, it might be worth investing in an eco-friendly washing machine or using any eco-settings that the current washing machine has. Furthermore, don’t throw clothes into the dryer throughout the warmer months. Instead, hang clothes out to dry. It’s no secret that dryers can cause an electricity bill to skyrocket, so stick to drying clothes on a line.
3). Turn Appliances Off At The Wall
Another good way to reduce an electricity bill this summer is by switching off appliances at the wall. Many appliances can use electricity even when they’re not actually being used. These appliances include dishwashers, microwaves, phone chargers and televisions. It might not seem like much, but it all adds up, which is why it’s a good idea to switch appliances off completely.
It’s not easy remembering to shut off appliances at the switch. If this happens regularly, then buy a smart power board. This will actually stop standby electricity, thus reducing the electricity bill as time goes by.
4). Close Windows And Doors
During the hottest hours of the day, keep the windows and doors completely closed. Using air conditioning and fans during the least hot part of the day shouldn’t increase an electricity bill too much. That likely won’t be the case if fans and air conditioning are used when the heat is peaking. Keeping the doors and windows closed can go a long way when it comes to reducing electricity bills.
5). Insulation
Finally, consider insulating areas such as within the walls and the attic. During the summertime, cool air will get trapped and there will be less of a need to use the air conditioning system or fans. For those who rent a home, you probably can’t install insulation but you can make sure your doors are draft-proof and you can install blinds on all of your windows. This will help to trap cool air and will allow the aircon system to take a break.
Save Energy with Solar Power Systems
If you are interested in saving money on your electricity bills in the long term, then you should contact GCR Electrical Systems. Getting a solar system is a great way to save money on electricity, and GCR Electrical Systems is here to help. We have installed over 20,000 solar panels in Australia and can help you make the shift seamlessly.
Please contact us today on (07) 4120 7004 or leave an enquiry if you would like more information about our solar installation services.