On the Grid Solar Systems Hervey Bay
Imagine this: having a power bill in credit, helping the environment and getting rebates on your power. That is what the reality can be if you invest in an on the grid solar system. Property owners have been taking the note of the advances in technology; solar systems in Hervey bay and surrounding suburbs have been on the rise. Whether your incentive is to save money or to move to a more environmentally-friendly solution, switching to an on the grid solar system is worth researching and looking in to. While there are different types of solar systems, like grid-connected, off-the-grid systems and hybrid, grid-connected solar systems in Hervey Bay and in Queensland are a great choice. Grid-connected solar systems are still connected to utility power so if there is excess electricity, you are able to keep your account in credit so if you need to use the back-up power during the colder months, you have the grid to ensure that you have all the power you need. It is important though when installing solar systems in Hervey Bay that you enlist the right contractors to get the job done. GCR Electrical Systems are a knowledgeable and highly-skilled electricians, who have all the required tools and know-how to ensure that your solar system runs efficiently. Having a strong understanding of the equipment, like a Grid-Tie Inverter (GTI) that regulates the voltage, a Direct Current to convert into an Alternate Current so you can use your appliances and micro-inverters on the rear of the panel. Solar Systems in Hervey Bay are a great investment, especially being in the Sunshine State so take advantage of the natural resources you have available.
Off-The-Grid Solar Systems
Installing environmentally friendly solar systems in Hervey Bay is easy, whether it is with a home or a commercial property. Off-the-grid solar systems rely on the energy generated by your panels and if you have enough panels, you can create enough energy to power your home or commercial property. From appliances, to hot water systems and other electronics use quite a lot of power therefore as long as you have enough panels, you can successfully power you building with off-the-grid solar systems in Hervey Bay. GCR Electrical Systems are also experienced in the installation of off-the-grid solar systems thus the Electricians from GCR will be able to advise you just what your property’s need are. GCR Electrical Systems will ensure that your property will have enough panels to be able to generate and capture enough sun, a set of deep cycle sealed gel batteries or lithium ion batteries to store any excess power and the other equipment necessary to ensure that your home or property is sufficiently powered. These systems are going to eco-friendly, sustainable and are a perfect long-term investment.
Solar System Rebates and Incentives
In a country as sun blessed as Australia, especially in the Sunshine state, there are plenty of rebates and incentives available for those looking into solar systems in Hervey Bay. Even though you are guaranteed savings for many years to come with solar systems, the cost of the initial outlay of solar panels can seem a bit intimidating, which is why there are plenty of incentives out there for those looking to make the switch. Out of the incentives, there are two primary incentives available. These are Feed-in tariffs and Small-scale Technology Certificates. Queensland Solar Feed-in Tariffs allow unused electricity to be moved into a shared grid, giving the owner of the system money off their bill. Depending on where you live and sometimes on the time of the day, you can receive various different tariffs for your excess generated energy. Either way, once you receive your bill, the initial cost of your outlay will be worth it as you will start to see the savings. Small-scale Technology Certificates allow those who install solar systems in Hervey Bey, whether it is an electrical system or hot water system, to get various certificates on their system that can be sold and be used to give you a significant discount. Do not be intimidated by the apparent costs of installing solar systems in Hervey Bay, as there are so many incentives and rebates that will not only give you discounts up front but will help you save down the line.